Fairy in the Garden

Well my friends, this is my first attempt at making a doll.

Crochet Fairy DollyI looked in all the usual places, Ravelry, Etsy etc. but there were so many patterns I just got confused and simply could not decide on which one to buy. So I thought, why not have a go and try to make one free hand.

I took her into work and the general consensus was that I could improve on the colour choices and I agree with to some degree (the green hair was not well received but I like it). I also feel it would look better using a smaller hook size to tighten up the stitches, add a bit of something at the neck and a few more tweaks here and there.

I have already started on a FairyII version because there are so many things that I am not happy with but overall for a first attempt I was quite pleased. It was a great learning curve too.



38 thoughts on “Fairy in the Garden

  1. Thomson Toys July 1, 2014 / 10:52

    This is a wonderful first attempt. I love the little fairy feet, so cute and small. Well done 🙂 !


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com July 1, 2014 / 23:24

      Thank you, I have done a other version but whist some things improved there were other issues, Trial and error, I just need to keep going until I am happy with the results!!


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com June 4, 2014 / 08:17

      I am so vey happy to thank you for re-blogging my Fairy in the Garden post, I am finding making dolls quite a challenging process but am having lots of fun with it to.


  2. lovelucie1 May 18, 2014 / 08:50

    I think she’s lovely. I love her delicate dangly legs. I really like the colours. I think I would like to see her wings a little more delicate but that’s just me. Of course her name is perfect too, being what I chose for my own daughter!


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 18, 2014 / 19:02

      Thank you, I agree about the wings, I tired making them lacy but they didn’t stand up well enough, please let me know if you come across anything you think would be suitable. I hope your Freya dosesn’t mind having a fairy namesake!!


      • lovelucie1 May 19, 2014 / 13:22

        Is she to be played with or just displayed? You could stiffen a more lacy wing with glue if she was just to be displayed.


      • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 20, 2014 / 20:34

        Good idea, I would prefer her to remain tactile, but I could give it a go and see how it works out. I also wondered about using cotton on a smaller than necessary hook, I thought that may be a bit firmer. Time for some experimentation I think!


  3. KerryCan May 17, 2014 / 15:38

    I think the green hair is my favorite part! I mean, she’s a fairy! She has to have green hair!


  4. rainbowjunkiecorner May 17, 2014 / 15:19

    It’s fun making your own patterns isn’t it? Interested to see how it evolves. I like the green hair actually!


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 29, 2014 / 20:38

      Thanks, so happy so many of my blogging friends liked the green hair, it was fun writing the pattern and I have finished the next one so will post soon to let you see, I think she has improved but there is still work to do. I apologise for taking a while to respond not sure why but you had slipped into spam!


  5. katythenightowl May 17, 2014 / 14:24

    I can’t wait to see no:2 once you’ve finished – and, as for the colour of her hair – it immediately made me picture her with a tail – so how about using that for a fairy mermaid? 🙂


  6. sally92013 May 17, 2014 / 13:07

    Reblogged this on More Aah than F*** and commented:
    Love this – think she is a comping fairy – she is so lucky it has made her hair curl!


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 29, 2014 / 20:43

      Thank you so much for the re-blog, I apologise for taking a while to respond but you had slipped into spam for some reason! I will keep a closer eye on things in future to be sure I don’t miss you again.


  7. erdeiemi May 17, 2014 / 12:38

    Green and curly hair is a good idea. It looks fluffy 🙂 I like it. This fairy is really cute.


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 17, 2014 / 17:14

      Thank you, with all this support for the green hair I am thinking that my colleagues at work just don’t understand about fairies.


  8. Nadine Roberts May 17, 2014 / 12:19

    It looks good for your first one. I am not crazy about the color of the hair but I like the texture. You need to ask yourself what you would want in a doll and go with that.


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 17, 2014 / 17:16

      You are right, that is part of the appeal, although if you made one that you really loved would you regret not writing in out??


      • Tajana May 17, 2014 / 17:38

        Something from the old Norse Mythology….just came up to my mind that idea because of my former studies….Freya wasn’t the Nordic goddess of love?


  9. Patch May 17, 2014 / 11:46

    I like the green hair too. I think the problem is it clashes with her pink dress…. blue dress instead???


    • thegrangerange.wordpress.com May 17, 2014 / 17:19

      Such good advice, my designer friend said it was the dress colour that the hair clashed with too. No 2 Fairy has boring pale yellow hair but I will try with the green again and do a blue dress. What shade would you suggest? I have several shades of blue from pale to turquoise.


      • Patch May 18, 2014 / 20:43

        I would get all the blues out and put them next to the green to see which looks nicest with it. If I’m not sure I leave it out for a few days and keep looking at it until I decide. Looking forward to seeing her.


  10. thelandroverownerswife May 17, 2014 / 11:23

    I think it looks great as it is and I’m looking forward to seeing Fairy number two in due course 🙂


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