Liebster Award – Caring and Sharing with Fellow Bloggers


Hello from a very excited Grange Range, I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by from A Quiet Riot, click on the link for a visit where you will find her own particular crafting style full of colour and sparkle generously shared with us all. Thank you so much for the nomination I love visiting your blog.

The purpose of the Liebster Blog Award is to recognize blogs with fewer than 200 followers that deserve a look and try to help spread the word. The Nominee role (me in this case) is to list 11 random facts about themselves, and answer the 11 questions set by the person who sponsored them to give an insight into the personality behind the blog pages. 

Then I nominate 11 fellow bloggers, who should bask in the Liebster glow – which means doing the same as I am doing here! ie, my nominee’s post a blog linking back here to the grange range with 11 random facts about themselves, they must answer my 11 questions and nominate 11 new bloggers (and think of 11 questions to ask them – can be anything!). Off we go then…

Here are my answers to the 11 questions set by emilybev

1. What was the first thing you ever crocheted? Having a penchant for baby clothes the first item I crocheted was a little pinafore dress for sweet little Baby E.

2. What is your favourite type of food? Most definitely homemade cake, coffee and walnut to be precise.

3. Who is your favorite band/singer? This is a really hard one as I like to think I have a broad range of music from classical to popular music, I like to listen to Jack Johnson, James Taylor and my son-in law who plays base in a band called The Wonderful Sound of the Cinema Organ

4. Summer or Winter? Got to be Summer, I don’t like the cold at all.

5. What is the main purpose of your blog? I love blogging, it is so nice to connect with like minded people, I find so much help and inspiration on other blogs and like to offer up my experiences in the hope that they be of service to others.

6. When not blogging, what are some of your favorite websites to visit/hang out at? I like to visit stumbleupon to find crafty ideas, shopping at for clothes and for gifts and fun stuff for the house.

7. Favourite smell? I love the smell of freshly mown grass in the summer.

8. You have £100 to do with as you wish. What do you spend it on? It would have to be spent on yarn, just think of how many new projects I could start!!

9.  If you could go back in time and talk to anyone from the history books, who would you choose and why? I know it may be a bit controversial but I would love to get inside Margaret Thatchers head. 

10. What makes you laugh? I find some of the adverts on the television hilarious like the one with the cow running along the beach played in slow motion that mimics the Lloyds Bank black horse, or Black Beauty.

11. What is your favorite memory? My wedding day, I met and married a wonderful man, we sneaked off to Barbados and got married overlooking the sea. 

Here are my lovely nominee’s, go and check out what they are doing.

And to you my lovelies I pose the following 11 questions;

  1. Name the title of the last book you have read.
  2. What was the first thing you ever crocheted, knitted, or crafted?
  3. What is your favorite type of food?.
  4. Who is your favorite band/singer?
  5. Tell of your fondest memory?
  6. What makes you laugh?
  7. What makes you sad?
  8. If you could go back in time and talk to anyone from the history books, who would you choose and why?
  9. What is your favorite colour
  10. If you could live in another country which would you choose and why.
  11. Do you prefer beach or snow holidays.

Go ahead an enjoy basking in the glow of the Liebster award and share your lovely crafting!


5 thoughts on “Liebster Award – Caring and Sharing with Fellow Bloggers

  1. yarnbomb April 29, 2013 / 00:50

    The Liebster award is a great idea! Well done on being included & a well deserved nod to your great blog. I think your craft photography is clear & colourful & very helpful tutorials. Keep on crafting : )


  2. Kerry April 28, 2013 / 23:22

    Well done on your nomination! With thw time and effort you put into your knitting you deserve to be acknowledged.


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